Saturday, October 12, 2024

Marketing in the news:Apple's short film

Movie ad
(Article source at the end)

    The article I chose to write about is an article about apples first virtual reality short film, "submerged". The idea is that you put on a vr headset and are planted into the movie you are watching. I was interesting in reading this article because I wanted to read about how it would work and I wanted to see how they were going to make the movie.

    The article goes on about the idea of the 17 minute short film. The idea is to have the audience feel like they are more apart of the film. The movie is about a sinking submarine, it seems to be a film with a lot of action in it. They gave a lot more pacing when it comes to this film because the audience will have time to look at the details within the frames. They speculated that one would want more time to be able to look around while the film happens around them because its much easier to see all the details and feel like you are there. The production wanted to try out something new, usually in movies it's better to pack more scenes into a small amount of time because you want the audience to stay interested. However, in this rare case the audience will likely be interested enough to watch the whole movie already because they are apart of the movie. The film is only for the Apple Vision Pro users which comes in at around 3 and a half grand. But it's likely that the price will lower as time goes on. Another genius thing apple is doing is bringing this VR world to the NBA, letting you view sports within your own world as if you are at the game, from your own home. They also announced viewing concerts on VR for music lovers.

    I'd say Apple's value proposition is their innovation. They constantly stay in front of everyone and lead every other company in the direction they go. For every feature they release, you can almost guarantee that every other technology compaany will incorporate it into their products in some way. Their value proposition is bringing quality new innovative technology to the public.

    This has the potential to be one of the most relevant reveals on the market in this age. The idea of putting your viewers into the movie is genuis and it's so simple to do with VR. Although this is only for a specific set of people, I think this will bring a lot more notice to the vision pro. They are using something that is known as one of the most innovative pieces of technology (virtual reality) and creating a new fun way using this technology to do something people have done for decades. This brings so much more interest to the movies you watch, I think many people can love a movie for what it is a lot more if you can relate to it, in this way you'd literally be in the movie. 

Apple Vision pro

    I think the challenge for apple is going to be trying to create longer, more interesting films for their viewers. While this looks great, we can't say for sure if this will be worth watching, and movie critics can be tough raters. From the looks of it Apple seems to be taking these challenges head on, this is a big move that from the looks of it is leading them in a positive direction. Luckily for Apple, they don't really have a big competition. They can make so many mistakes and still be successful because they are one of the most appreciated and famed brands of these past few decades, and they will continue to be that way.

    I haven't seen an ad for virtual reality movies ever before. this brings a unique experience and a unique quality film that you can only see with the vision pro. I definitely think that this announcement was really great, it appeals to film lovers, sports lovers, and music lovers. Which is pretty much every human on the planet.

    I think the marketing pitch was really good, they included a trailer for the movie to keep the viewers interested. One thing that was risky is making the film have longer paused for the viewers to pay attention to details, I think that could definitely backfire but it could also work well for them depending on the type of people watching the film. But as we say in class, risky is the way to go!

If I were the project manager I might think about announcing a horror film along with the more action packed movie. Having only one film to look forward to is difficult as if you aren't a fan of films like this you may not be interested. While horror is just an example of course, I think that a horror movie that you are in the world of would be so creative. People who love horror want to be scared already, the best way to induce fear for the viewers is to bring them into the thrill of the movie. This was so difficult to do on a flat screen because it's so easy to look away. But what if you couldn't look away? What if you were actually in that situation yourself? I think that horror fans would absolutely love that.

I learned a lot from this assignment about the pieces of an announcement and how much thought goes into something simple like this. I think that if it wasn't so pricey I'd even think about buying the vision pro.

Apple's website:

Article source (trailer within article):

Friday, October 4, 2024

About me (again)

Hi, My name is Ethan Hannah and I am a student enrolled at LBCC. This blog will be based around my marketing class and will follow me throughout my journey in business and marketing. I enrolled in this course because I wanted to learn more about how I could be a good marketer. That being said, I am not a business major, but that doesn't stop me from being interested in this class and seeing what I could gain from it. My major as of the moment is visual arts but all I know is that I want to create my own work instead of being forced to by somebody above me.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Photo story: The winter banquet


This photo story represents a culinary class at LBCC entirely dedicated to planning and preparing in culmination for a banquet which takes place at the end of the term. Among this team are some of the most positive and talented people in the school. The photo's taken are in the week of the banquet including the day of the event, Friday December 1st. The banquet event has taken place every term at LBCC for the last 25 years.

The day before the banquet

This photo was taken on Thursday, November 30th at around 3:30pm in the LBCC cafeteria's kitchen. The photo shows (from left to right) Garret Boren, Chef Michael Willis and Karina Nyman making sure there are no air pockets in their sausage. They are in the process of creating a dish called "Boudin sausage pork and liver."

Michael Willis has been a Chef/Teacher since last fall, but has been cooking for about 10 years since he was 15. He graduated from LBCC in 2020 after searching for more training after being in the industry for a few years. But after working in restaurants in between he decided to return to LBCC for a more steady job. Michael loves cooking for many reasons, he loves knowing exactly what goes into his food and what it takes to create what he consumes. It's also a really big money saver for him and his family. He finds it important that people understand where food comes from and how it grows. For instance how soy based products is actually harmful to soil and isn't very eco-friendly. For a long time he would work for chefs who wouldn't explain why or how things are done. He had trouble learning certain aspects of cooking because of this. Now he strives to be a leader who leads by example and talks about anything his students are confused about. He connects with his team on a personal level deeper than just being their teacher, but also their friend.

Head Chef Stacy Lebar adding to a veggie lasagna in the kitchen of the Cafeteria at LBCC right before the banquet at 3:50pm on Thursday, November 30th. Stacy has been leading this class for three years as the head chef of her class. She also teaches some other advanced second year classes and first year foundational skills. Her favorite part about the banquet is interacting with students and seeing their excitement when they learn and gain new skills. Stacy wants people to know how grateful she and her students are to receive the support that they get from the community. She sees how the students put their heart and souls into these banquets and they care a lot about showcasing the skills they learning up until now. Even in the long days they still get excited and put so much effort and energy into these dishes.

The day of the banquet

Here we see (From left to right) Jorge Gonzalez and Isaac Martinez having a good time even in the stress of the impending time limit. This photo was taken on Friday, December 1st at about 5:15pm in the kitchen of the LBCC Cafeteria. This picture shows the energy in the kitchen even in times of stress. They have spent 3 months working towards this event and they still have dedication towards positivity in the kitchen.

(from left to right, Dwayne Falls and Garret talking as people start arriving for the banquet at 5:50pm on Friday, December 1st. Dwayne is at his station in the LBCC cafeteria ready to hand out his delicious desert dishes to the community. Dwayne is a third year student who has been cooking since he was 7 years old. He finds cooking as a way to get away and be creative rather than just writing things down on paper. Dwayne loved the banquet as it was all of their ideas put together to create one cohesive product.

One of Dwayne's desert dishes, White Pumpkin Mousse perfected by lots of effort and time. Taken at 5:25pm on Friday, December 1st in a close up shot of Dwayne's desert presentation in the LBCC cafeteria.

The community feasting and laughing at the culmination of all of the teams hard work and dedication. Taken in the Cafeteria of LBCC at 6:15 on Friday, December 1st.  The tables, chairs and food placements were all considered in the three months that the students prepped for the banquet. The tickets for the banquet sold out after two days, they sold 100 tickets. The community always gets involved in what the culinary program does and they look forward to the banquets throughout the terms. The people started showing up 30 minutes early and they all seemed eager to be able to try the delicious food prepared by the students and chefs.


I absolutely loved this experience getting to see what goes on behind the scenes of such a big event was really mind blowing to me. Everybody was so friendly to me, it felt like they treated me as though I was part of the team. I had over a thousand more photos showcasing the event and I didn't have enough room to include everybody. I will send my best photos to all the culinary students so that they can see what a difficult task it was to just choose six photos for this huge event. I am extremely thankful to the team that allowed me to stand next to them on a stressful event like this. 

Photographers choice-A walk in the woods

 A walk in the woods-Photographers choice

For this entire term, I have had a desire to take some photos of purely nature. So although it is not exactly in the spirit of this class, it is my choice for this assignment.

Taken at 4:15pm on my way home from LBCC on Thursday, November 30th. Showing a clear foggy day in the woods on a trail I took as a shortcut on my way home.

This Photo was a close up of some dying grass taken on Thursday, November 30th at 4:30pm in a trailhead near LBCC.

Taken at 4:45pm on Thursday, November 30th. The reflection of a forest-filled path in a muddle puddle in a trailhead near LBCC.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Lyndsey Addario book report

It's What I do, By Lyndsey Addario

    I really enjoyed this book, I haven't been reading much lately but this book makes me want to pick it up again. It was amazing how much was packed into this and how it can go from such a calm chapter to complete chaos within a few pages. The power within her writing was so heavy, I don't think I have ever read a book and felt so much along with the writer. On page 184 she writes, "A bunch of young Americans who should have been out drinking beers at bars back at home and living up their early twenties were instead carrying the lifeless body of their dearest friend through the lonely mountains of Afghanistan." This was one of her most powerful lines from the story within the Korengal valley that stuck out heavily to me as I thought of my own best friends as I read about Rougle. It was also my personal favorite quote and will always have me thinking about it.
    Addario's constant resilience to her work and her need to be there for a story is something that sticks out so much from other photographers. After going through the torture and torment of being kidnapped she is still able to go back to photograph war even while growing a child within her. On page 243, after being kidnapped and held hostage for a week, she still writes "everyone asked us the inevitable question and my answer was yes. I knew I would cover another war." I can't imagine myself ever being that dedicated to my line of work to be near death so much and still feel that sense of duty but I do understand how she might feel like she must return and I see the importance in her work. 
    Addario showed me how easy life can be in perspective with other people. Her writing inspired me to take risks and go for pictures of people I normally would feel too uncomfortable approaching. If someone out there can go through so much torment then I can definitely take some pictures for a class here safely on a random campus in Oregon. 
    My favorite picture was the one of Khalid. The reason I chose this as my favorite is the backstory, the amount of suffering she went through and trauma she endured just for somebody to reject it over something so small must have been so infuriating. I also loved the photo of all the people who were kidnapped as it gave so much more life to the story to see them in real life as people and to look at their faces (shown on page 205.)

Addario's photo of Khalid, the child who's face was scratched all over by shrapnel. (pg.206)

    I would definitely recommend this book to anybody, this was an extremely powerful story and was an amazing read for a college textbook. I was invested in the story and the people through and through. Anybody who is a fan of a more emotional nonfiction would love this book and I am glad I was able to have the chance to read it.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

On campus photos-Linn Benton Community College


Photos of the LBCC campus

Faith Gray sending positivity throughout the Roast runners cafe on campus at about 10:30 AM on November 3rd.

Outside the campus store at around 10:45 in the morning on Friday, November 3rd.

Star Doyle working on a project on the tables above the campus store on November 3rd at 11 AM.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Environmental and mugshot portraits


Environmental and mugshot portraits

Shown above is Sarah Rose Larson, photo editor for The Commuter. The photos were taken around 11 45 all around The Commuter office upstairs at LBCC. She was recruited by the old editor and chief at the end of winter term of 2022. Rob Priewe had talked to her about the position prior to her hire and he had mentored her a little bit before as well. She liked him because he was really positive and passionate about photography. 

She used to think of photo journalism as something very stressful that she wouldn't want to do but after taking Rob's photo journalism class her opinion changed. She became very passionate about journalism and saw that it can be a very good and positive thing. She finds it to be a way more fitting job then business management jobs which she had before. She loves her job right now getting to work with a great staff and getting to tutor the photojournalism class is just a really great job for her.

Sarah wants everyone to read the commuter she thinks that everybody works really well together to create something great that benefits the community. She says to not be afraid to do what you love. She says it's okay to think outside of the box and not conform to anything anyone else thinks you should do. Sarah spreads her positivity to all the student and staff at LBCC whether that's through the commuter or her warm personality.

Marketing in the news:Apple's short film

Movie ad (Article source at the end)      The article I chose to write about is an article about apples first virtual reality short film, &q...